Honour Roll
The twentieth century was marked by numerous conflicts around the world, which touched more ordinary families than any previous war. The communities of Brampton were no exception.
We owe an immense debt of gratitude to all those who lived, worked and fought through those conflicts. They gave us the freedoms we enjoy today.
Elsewhere on this site, I will explore the effects on those who worked and lived locally through the two great wars of 1914 – 1919 and 1939 – 1945. Here, I want to pay tribute to the young men who made the ultimate sacrifice.
All these years later, it is easy to forget that the names etched on war memorials were the sons, husbands and fathers of local families. They went to school and worked in the community, much as our young people do today. They were young men, some barely 18 or 19 years old, who should have been enjoying the things young people have always enjoyed. Instead, they were called to serve in battles they could not have understood. They fought in conditions we cannot begin to imagine. And they died. Gave their lives in far off places in the belief their sacrifice would secure a way of life for their families and future generations.
They are our honoured few.
Cemeteries and Memorials

Kemmel Chateau Military Cemetery
The cemetery was created in 1914, in the chateau grounds. It was used throughout the war, before being taken by German forces. It was heavily shelled, and the chateau destroyed before being retaken before the end of the war. There are 1,135 Commonwealth burials of the First World War in the cemetery and 21 from